The Jakarta Post : Bloggers educate children on IT

Bloggers educate children on IT

Anton Muhajir , The Jakarta Post , Gianyar | Wed, 06/10/2009 1:04 PM | Bali

Nine-year old Ni Kadek Kristina found that typing on the keyboard of the 8-inch sub notebook was no easy task. The third grader at the SD 1 Guwang state elementary school was trying to type the word petani (farmer) and she paused repeatedly as her eyes scanned the cramped keyboard searching for the correct letters.

Kristina’s friend, Ni Putu Eka, was sitting next to her. Eka watched her friend finish the task and then took her turn in using the mini computer. Her eyes were bright with amazement.

The students were participating in a computer workshop organized by the Bali Blogger Community (BBC) on Sunday. BBC members took different roles in the workshop.

For instance, Trimartono Muliawan became the main mentor in
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